Friday, 31 August 2012


My wife Dena and me recently relocated to Woodstock NB from Fort McMurray Alberta where I was involved in Professional Counselling. In September we are opening a private practice here. The name of the business is C4Professional Services. (Counselling, Coaching, Consulting, & Contracting.)  I named the Counselling and Coaching aspects of the business, “JOY” Professional Counselling and Life Coaching. Why did I use “Joy” in the name? Read on.
When I ask clients to name three things they would wish for, if their wishes would come true, almost without exception they include happiness or joy. In our busy and challenging fast pace world most people are driven by anxiety and have lost their joy.
I remember when I faced my personal ministry and health crisis in late 2002. Early in 2003 I applied for skills training through HRDC. The counsellor who interviewed me doubted if I would be approved to continue my training in professional counselling but referred me to her superior anyway. During my interview with her she commented, “It is time to put some “joy” back into your life. She approved my training. Since then I went on to complete a diploma in Professional Counselling Practice and completed my Master’s Degree in Religion with a concentration in Christian Counselling and became a Registered Professional Counsellor (RPC). See what a little encouragement, by people who believe in you, can accomplish. These two ladies were among several people who had a positive influence on my life during this difficult time.
For over thirty five years I have been an Ordained Minister. Pastoring church congregations was my primary responsibility. It also included Pastoral Counselling and in my later years of pastoring, involved Professional Counselling. It has become my passion. I dreamed of the day when I could devote my time to it as a second career. Having retired from the pastorate, I am now in the position to live the dream during the sunset years of my ministry life, through Pastor’s INn  Ministries and C4 Professional Services. PTL!
In this post on Spiritual Wellness and Emotional Health, I decided to talk a little bit about the positive and pleasant emotion of “Joy”. In the teaching of Jesus, he refers to it as “happiness” as He outlines the principles of His Kingdom in Matthew’s Gospel, chapter five. He uses the Greek word “Makarios” in our language it translates, “happiness” or “Joy”.  His formula for such a life is found in His response to the religious leaders of his day, recorded by a Tax Collector by the  name of Matthew.  He quoted Jesus, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’
Now, let me answer the question posed at the beginning of this article. Here is the rationale behind using “JOY” in the name of my Counselling and Coaching practice.
First, it reminds me of the time in my life when God in His providence connected me with people who believed in me and had the power to help restore joy to my life.
Second, my very first professional client was going through a major life crisis which had drained the joy from her life. I journeyed with her during this very difficult time and watched her as she went from the caterpillar stage, into the cocoon and as I write, she is about to stretch her butterfly wings into the freedom of a new identity and life of joy. What a transformation! A testimony to what counselling is all about.
Finally it is an acronym for Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 22:37 ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’
J – esus , O – thers, Y – ou.
Your life can be Blessed, by finding joy through a relationship with Jesus, loving relationships with others, and investing your life in helping to put a little joy back into someone else’s life instead of focusing on yourself.
Pastor H

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