Tuesday, 3 March 2015

SPIRITUAL HEALTH & EMOTIONAL WELLNESS- " The cure and process for healing sorrowful hearts and broken spirits today."

Today I have been pondering words from two of the most wise men that ever lived on this planet. The words of King Solomon in Proverbs 12: 25 and 15:13. The words of Jesus in Luke 4:18.
Let me preface this post with a personal remark. In thinking about my ministry and profession I am glad I am not a news reporter, simply because it seems as if their mandate is to report “bad news”. I don’t really understand why for example the media shows up to a school to report when something negative or bad happens and are nowhere to be found to report the positive or good things that happen in the same school.
 In my ministry and profession I am blessed with a mandate to proclaim “good news”. My “M.O”. over the past three decades is within the context of the words of Jesus in Luke 4:18. (Paraphrased).
“The Spirit of the Lord has anointed Me
To preach good news to the poor;
to heal the broken hearted,
To proclaim liberty to the captives
And recovery of sight to the blind,
To set free those who are oppressed;”
King Solomon wrote the following many centuries ago.
“Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression,
But a good word makes it glad…….
A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance,
But by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken.”
Solomon addressed Spiritual Health and Emotional Wellness in his day. Today it remains an important subject. 
 Anxiety and depression have become the common cold of the 21st. century. Most disability claims from the workplace are related to mental health issues. This replaces physical issues which were the main disability claims of the past. Recent studies show that the statistic which claims one in five people are affected by mental health issues is conservative. It is higher!
Therefore, we can conclude from statistics and observe by their countenance, that there are many people today with sorrowful hearts and broken spirits, caused by anxiety and depression.  
Solomon not only gives us the cause but also the cure. Anxiety causes depression which in turn is the cause of a sorrowful heart, broken spirit and a sad countenance. The cure comes from “a good word”, which makes the heart glad and a merry heart produces a cheerful face. The process of recovery begins with a good word, encouragement or in the words of Jesus, “good news”.
I am blessed as an ordained minister and a professional counsellor in a society filled with anxiety and depression to be mandated to proclaim “GOOD NEWS”, (the words of Jesus). To encourage hope by using acquired skills to “bind up broken hearts”. It can be a time consuming and delicate   process.
 A lot of effort beside skill is required. But the reward is seeing people liberated who were captives of anxiety, depression and other spiritual and emotional issues, to see the light come on in the eyes of people once blinded by negative and irrational thinking as the truth sets them free, to watch as people once downtrodden by oppression comes to freedom.
Solomon gives a description of mental health issues in his day that also describes mental health issues of our day. Jesus introduces the process to achieve mental wellness in his day which works today.
It begins with a “good word”, encouragement or in the words of Jesus, “good news” and the application of learned skills, directed by the Spirit of the Lord to heal, liberate and free people today with sorrowful hearts and broken spirits, caused by anxiety and depression.  
Until Next Time Blessings!
Pastor Harold

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