Tuesday, 3 November 2015


In my last blog post I quoted from Glenn Bleakney’s article, “Three ways to discern God is moving you in a new direction,” I talked about anxiety and depression. Today I want to share with you on the subject of Stress.
Have you ever hit a wall, been stopped dead in your tracks by a disruption of your plans, experienced a depleting of your resources or a dissipation of a relationship. It may be God’s way of moving you in a new direction. It was in my case. Personally I experienced all three in succession in 2014.  Anxiety, depression and stress are no strangers during such a time.
I like to claim December 2014, my 37th year in ministry as the 12th month that became a month that redeemed the year as I experienced a release to freedom and a reversal of fortunes. (2 Kings 25: 27-30).
After spending 6 months in Edmonton operating a private counselling practice and accepting referrals from the Church we attended, we made a decision to return to Pastor’s Inn Ministries’ home base in Woodstock NB. PIM is a ministry that we have been officially operating since 2013. From there we set our sights on returning to our home province of Newfoundland to do ministry. In December plans were finalized and in January 2015 I started a part time position as an Employee Assistance Plan (EAP) Counsellor which provided the income to support PIM and my schedule of three days on and four days off allowed me to do pulpit supply on Sundays and Christian Counselling on my off days, from an office provided by Mount Pearl Pentecostal Church.
Our Son Steven, Debbie and the grandchildren Lillian and Harrison welcomed us with open arms. We stayed with them until a furnished house became available to us in St. John’s. It was a great opportunity to respond to needs and also to reconnect with friends and family. Then we were faced with a major decision concerning the future of PIM which was very stressful. Although ministry opportunities were many and needs great it was not financially feasible to move back to Newfoundland and operate PIM. The company I worked with offered me a permanent full time position and encouraged me to relocate. The “fly in the ointment”, was that I would have to return to full time secular employment. 38 years ago I left secular employment for full time ministry. Would I now have to make a decision to leave ministry for full time secular employment? The stress piled on. I loved what I was doing, but PIM was my calling. Dena returned to NB. to a job she was offered in July. Three provinces away from each other we wrestled with making a decision. At the last minute before accepting the contract to be a full time EAP counsellor, an offer came to me to become an “interim” minister at Boom Road Pentecostal Church in New Brunswick just 3 hours from Woodstock. Since we had already considered doing interim ministry as a part of PIM we took it as God moving us in this direction.
Needless to say our son Michael, Terri-Lynn and the grandchildren, Elliot, Emma, Alexandra, Charlotte, and Benjamin who live in NB are glad to see us back. Ruthie already has plans in place for a visit from London to the place she calls home. Ministry and Family are two things that we highly value.
For us 2015 has been great and we are so blessed to minister to a gracious and kind congregation as we conclude one of the most enjoyable years in ministry. Quite the contrast to 2014 and its anxiety, depression and stress.
In concluding I now return to the topic of stress.
Some stress is needful to make us productive, but too much stress can cause serious physical, emotional, and behavioral problems. Like anxiety and depression it can be debilitating. I am so thankful to be released from the anxiety, depression and the stress of 2014.
The Apostle Peter encourages us, Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7. The Psalmist reminds us, Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken. Psalm 55:22
On the practical side there are three things you can do as a preventative measure or to aid in recovery from anxiety, depression and stress:
1.      Eat healthily

2.      Balance Sleep

3.      Exercise regularly

Until next time,Blessings!
Pastor Harold

Monday, 27 April 2015

SPIRITUAL HEALTH & EMOTIONAL WELLNESS: When Life Leaves You Anxious and Depressed

 When Life Leaves You Anxious and Depressed

What do you think and how do you feel when your plans are disrupted, resources deplete or relationships end? Is it time for Counselling?

"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye on you" (Ps. 32:8).

This verse is a special verse that I have relied upon during the past 13 years of my spiritual journey. It assures me that God is active in my life. However, I have discovered when my plans are interrupted or changed, resources deplete and relationships are severed, it leaves me with a deep sense of anxiety and depression as I perceive to have lost control.

Maybe you have had a similar experience which have caused you to feel a loss of control, leaving you in a state of anxiety and depression. Sometimes God’s ways doesn’t make sense to us. The ancient writings gives us a good reason for this. "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts" (Is. 55:9). He is in control and we have to trust him. Easier said than done. Right?

If you feel a loss of control, it is important to believe that God is in control and, “The Lord is turning the hearts of men in the direction He desires.” (Prov. 21:1). It will help you to move forward.

In counselling clients with anxiety and depression I often use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy is a form of psychotherapy that can help you to change how you think ("Cognitive") and what you do ("Behaviour)". These changes can help you to (“Feel”) better.

Glenn Bleakney in his article, “Three ways to discern God is moving you in a new direction,” says, “You may not understand what is currently happening in your life. Does it seem to you that God has messed up your plans? Have resources dried up? Has a relationship disintegrated? “

When such things happen is your natural default to think negatively? Instead of thinking you have lost control and being left with a deep sense of anxiety and depression, you can change the way you are thinking. Begin to think positive and trust God who is at work in your life.

Trusting God at all times is a non-negotiable because the Lord possesses infinite knowledge and perfect wisdom. He is eternal, Almighty and omniscient. He sees the end from the beginning and is completely aware of the final outcome of all things.

According to Bleakney, “There invariably will come a time in our spiritual journey when the Lord will solicit our cooperation in permitting Him to guide us in a new way. His preference is that we would sense His leading, fully cooperate and move in the new direction.However, as is all too often the case, He must intervene in the affairs of our lives due to the fact that we are comfortable and entrenched in our present course of action.”

Bleakney identifies three strategies God uses to move us in a new direction. He expounds on these using Biblical examples which encourages us to accept the truth, change the negative thinking that is the source of anxiety and depression and embrace positive thinking based on truth. Changing the way you think and the way you behave will ultimately change the way you feel.I hope this post will help you to feel better. It will if you change the way you think and behave.

These are the three strategies and examples.

1. Disruption of our Plans

Bleakney writes, “Perhaps you were heading down a certain roadway and you ended up "hitting a wall" and were stopped in your tracks. From that point on, no matter how hard you worked, you were incapable of making significant progress. Initiatives and projects that were originally inspired by a lofty vision and deep passion ended up languishing, some of them even terminating. “

It maybe God interrupting your plans to take you in a new direction to fulfill His plans for you. The Apostle Paul experienced it on his journey.

"They went through the region of Phrygia and Galatia and were forbidden by the Holy Spirit to speak the word in Asia. When they came near Mysia, they tried to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit did not allow them" (Acts 16:6-7.

2. Dissipation of Resources

Elijah had been powerfully used by the Lord to declare prophetically the purpose of God in dealing with Israel. And just as the prophet had foretold, the word of the Lord came to pass. "And there was a severe famine in Samaria ... "(1 Kin. 18:2). God looked after Elijah during the time of famine. “…The ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning, and bread and meat in the evening; and he drank from the brook" (1 Kings 17:2-6). . Although Elijah had come to depend on such provision the day came when the brook would run dry and the birds would no longer fly (see 1 Kin. 17:7).

“Have you experienced something similar? Your streams of resource have dried up. You struggle to make ends meet and you do not know how you are going to keep going. During such a time, trust that the Lord will soon speak to you like He did to Elijah.”

"Then the word of the Lord came to him, saying, 'Arise, go to Zarephath, which belongs to Sidon, and dwell there. See, I have commanded a widow there to provide for you'" (1 Kin. 17:8-9).

3. Dissolution of Relationships

A third way the Lord works to set us in motion in a new direction according to Bleakney, is through the dissolution of certain relationships.

It may be a friendship, a work relationship or some other relationship. Bleakney in his article makes reference to David.

“We see this clearly in the life of David. The heart of King Achish, once favorable to David, turned away from him." Then Achish called David and said to him, 'Surely, as the Lord lives, you have been upright, and your going out and your coming in with me in the army is good in my sight. For to this day I have not found evil in you since the day of your coming to me. Nevertheless the lords do not favor you. Therefore return now, and go in peace, that you may not displease the lords of the Philistines'" (1 Sam. 29:6-7).

He goes on to say, “An unanticipated meltdown in a relationship can cause great pain. Abandonment and unanswered questions will naturally follow. One vital truth to come to grips with is that God will on occasion send certain people into our lives for a short season or perhaps even a brief encounter God-sanctioned, transitory connections, though nonsustainable, serve a purpose in facilitating the plan of the Lord. Being able to differentiate between what is intended to be provisional and what is meant to be permanent will enlighten one of the Father's intention for the relationship. Therefore, do not take the matter personally and become bitter with people as though they are rejecting you.

Have you hit a wall, been stopped dead in your tracks by a disruption of your plans, a depleting of your resources or a dissipation of a relationship. No need for anxiety and depression. Change the way you think and behave and your feelings will change. The bible calls it transformation. “…be transformed by the renewing of your mind”. You may feel out of control but God is in control. Trust Him!

Until next time,
Pastor H.

The Bible
Charisma Magazine: “Three ways to discern God is moving you in a new direction.” Glenn Bleakney

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

SPIRITUAL HEALTH & EMOTIONAL WELLNESS- " The cure and process for healing sorrowful hearts and broken spirits today."

Today I have been pondering words from two of the most wise men that ever lived on this planet. The words of King Solomon in Proverbs 12: 25 and 15:13. The words of Jesus in Luke 4:18.
Let me preface this post with a personal remark. In thinking about my ministry and profession I am glad I am not a news reporter, simply because it seems as if their mandate is to report “bad news”. I don’t really understand why for example the media shows up to a school to report when something negative or bad happens and are nowhere to be found to report the positive or good things that happen in the same school.
 In my ministry and profession I am blessed with a mandate to proclaim “good news”. My “M.O”. over the past three decades is within the context of the words of Jesus in Luke 4:18. (Paraphrased).
“The Spirit of the Lord has anointed Me
To preach good news to the poor;
to heal the broken hearted,
To proclaim liberty to the captives
And recovery of sight to the blind,
To set free those who are oppressed;”
King Solomon wrote the following many centuries ago.
“Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression,
But a good word makes it glad…….
A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance,
But by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken.”
Solomon addressed Spiritual Health and Emotional Wellness in his day. Today it remains an important subject. 
 Anxiety and depression have become the common cold of the 21st. century. Most disability claims from the workplace are related to mental health issues. This replaces physical issues which were the main disability claims of the past. Recent studies show that the statistic which claims one in five people are affected by mental health issues is conservative. It is higher!
Therefore, we can conclude from statistics and observe by their countenance, that there are many people today with sorrowful hearts and broken spirits, caused by anxiety and depression.  
Solomon not only gives us the cause but also the cure. Anxiety causes depression which in turn is the cause of a sorrowful heart, broken spirit and a sad countenance. The cure comes from “a good word”, which makes the heart glad and a merry heart produces a cheerful face. The process of recovery begins with a good word, encouragement or in the words of Jesus, “good news”.
I am blessed as an ordained minister and a professional counsellor in a society filled with anxiety and depression to be mandated to proclaim “GOOD NEWS”, (the words of Jesus). To encourage hope by using acquired skills to “bind up broken hearts”. It can be a time consuming and delicate   process.
 A lot of effort beside skill is required. But the reward is seeing people liberated who were captives of anxiety, depression and other spiritual and emotional issues, to see the light come on in the eyes of people once blinded by negative and irrational thinking as the truth sets them free, to watch as people once downtrodden by oppression comes to freedom.
Solomon gives a description of mental health issues in his day that also describes mental health issues of our day. Jesus introduces the process to achieve mental wellness in his day which works today.
It begins with a “good word”, encouragement or in the words of Jesus, “good news” and the application of learned skills, directed by the Spirit of the Lord to heal, liberate and free people today with sorrowful hearts and broken spirits, caused by anxiety and depression.  
Until Next Time Blessings!
Pastor Harold

Saturday, 24 January 2015


A Reversal of Destiny
To say the past two years (2012-2014) were challenging would be an understatement. Actually they were the two most difficult years of my entire life and ministry journey. It started when we had settled into a new ministry position and suddenly found ourselves without our jobs. On the heels of this was the loss of my colleague and Dena’s boss and his wife and son in a tragic accident on Highway 63. Jobless and grieving we had no help available to deal with our losses, other than some words of encouragement from a couple of people at the District office, I was left to try and help Dena get through all of this in the midst of my own emotional pain which was as excruciating as physical pain. My Spiritual health and emotional wellness was put to the test. I would like to say it brought out the best in me but it didn’t, it brought out the worst that was in me and I had to deal with it in order to recover and grow. It was a very painful journey.
In July of 2014 I was given the opportunity to meditate and reflect without distraction, this was the beginning of a series of events that led to my “reversal of destiny”, a term I picked up from Beth Moore’s study on the book of Esther.  I was asked to join a friend in the preview of this study that she was planning on sharing in her ladies Bible study group. Dena did the study and it became very precious to us and a means of spiritual growth. Actually the key players in our “reversal of destiny” include Beth Moore, Charles Stanley and our friend Tammy.
One evening in Beaumont, Alberta the presence of the Lord was very real and the Holy Spirit was at work in a special way. I decided to take my daily prayer walk. I walked to the mail and after picking up the mail, I was impressed to walk the trail in a reverse direction. While doing the prayer walk, I had a strong impression that I was beginning to walk in a reversal of destiny! It was an amazing evening of ministry by the Holy Spirit.
I was reading Charles Stanley’s book, The Ultimate Conversation, at the time and it spoke directly into my life during this time in my life. ADONIA, became a personal revelation to me as my friend was led to pray over me. The Lord became very real to me as my Guide, Provider and Protector. All three were demonstrated to us during a weekend ministry at Fort McMurray in August 2014 and since.

During this season my passion for ministry was renewed from prayer, Bible study and engaging in conversation with my friend about my early years in ministry and God’s faithfulness especially during  my time in Norris Arm South and my recollections of my connection with Pastor Hubert Holloway and the prayer times at Camp Emmanuel

We had thought maybe our ministry journey would bring us back to Alberta. It seemed to be our destiny. Although opportunities for private practise became available and a pilot project to work alongside Pastor Larry Lindoff to provide counselling ministry at Evangel was successful, we became restless and returned to Woodstock in October to wait further direction. On November 22, 2014 Dena and I experienced a spiritual breakthrough, a release from oppression that had bothered us for two years. It became clear we would have to take a step of faith and go forward in our destiny. Our journey would take us back to our home province

A job opportunity opened for me in December and on the 14th day of the month of January which I will call my month of Adar, (the meaning of this becomes clear in the conclusion of this article) I started my new position as an EAP Counsellor taking up three days of the week. This leaves me with the remainder of the week for private practice in Christian Counselling and Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) teaching. My weekends are free for ministry opportunities in local churches.  One weekend is already booked. Now all that is needed is office space for C4 Professional Services.

This week I had coffee with my former Assistant Pastor that started his ministerial career with me in Grand Falls in 1989. It is interesting to note that when He resigned to move to Mt. Pearl as an Assistant Pastor, I resigned my position to begin a career track towards counselling. Twenty six years later I have come to Mt. Pearl as a Professional Counsellor. Paul is the lead pastor at the city church we plan on attending. Another Assistant Pastor who moved to a staff position in St. John’s when I resigned and moved to the Maritime District is now Lead Pastor in another city Church. So it is great to have the opportunity to re- connected with my former Assistant Pastors Paul and Bruce.

So going back to my meeting over coffee - during our discussion Paul said he knew of an ideal location for me to set up my counselling practice. He gave me a tour and it is unbelievably ideal. I am now waiting final approval which seems inevitable. So it is very likely that Pastor’s Inn Ministries/C4 Professional Services will soon be operating out of Mount Pearl.

Ps.32:8 was a promise I received in 2002 when I left Newfoundland.

I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go;
I will counsel you with My eye upon you.

The conclusion of the matter is summed up from page 208 of the study guide on the Book of Esther by Beth Moore from which I will quote.

The Lord is the portion of my inheritance and my cup;
You support my lot.
The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places;
Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me.

I will bless the Lord who has counseled me;

 “Here the lot or portion is an allusion to the way life has worked out; the psalmist is thinking of all the signs of God’s provision which have marked his pilgrimage…..the word had within it the suggestions of destiny.”

In our words, “ Lord in all the chaos and crisis, all the threat and doubts You caused my life to work out. Instead of me falling apart, the lines of my life have fallen together. Truly, I can say that You have given me a delightful inheritance.”

The day we wake up to the goodness of our God and the crushing defeat of the enemy! The day will be a day of joy and feasting…. Esther 9: 19

“…celebrate the fourteenth day of the month Adar, and the fifteenth day [k]of the same month, annually, 22 because on those days the Jews [l]rid themselves of their enemies, and it was a month which was turned for them from sorrow into gladness and from mourning into a [m]holiday; that they should make them days of feasting and rejoicing and sending portions of food to one another and gifts to the poor.

The Journey over the past two years as I said earlier hasn’t been easy but needful it seems in the process of my spiritual and emotional well- being.  Granting forgiveness, confession and asking forgiveness are never easy and in some situations there may be rejection but it is the right thing to do because it is essential for spiritual growth to take place.
God is faithful but we are required to be obedient to His word before we can experience a reversal of destiny.
Until next time
Pastor Harold

Resources: The Ultimate Conversation by Charles Stanley.
                     Esther, It’s Tough Being A Woman by Beth Moore
                     Bible, The New American Standard Version.