Saturday, 7 December 2013


What is Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)? In answering this question the National Institute of Mental Health states,

“PTSD develops after a terrifying ordeal that involved physical harm or the threat of physical harm. The person who develops PTSD may have been the one who was harmed, the harm may have happened to a loved one, or the person may have witnessed a harmful event that happened to loved ones or strangers.

PTSD was first brought to public attention in relation to war veterans, but it can result from a variety of traumatic incidents, such as mugging, rape, torture, being kidnapped or held captive, child abuse, car accidents, train wrecks, plane crashes, bombings, or natural disasters such as floods or earthquakes.”

Well I am of the opinion that traumatic stress is not limited to physical harm but also includes mental harm and can be brought on by something as simple as losing your job in today’s society.

In any event, Nelson Mandela, who survived both physical and mental trauma has become an international icon and beacon of hope. He is a unique individual largely by his choice not to let the trauma inflicted upon him destroy him, but rather choose to allow it to mound him into a compassionate servant leader. He who is now dead, “yet speaketh”, and may we be inspired by his voice of hope. His example shows us, regardless of injustices, we can make a difference without torching police cars and threatening lives. There is a more noble way. Mandela has shown us that “evil can be overcome by good”.

Thank you Nelson Mandela for your sacrificial life and for your death which has unleashed a tsunami of good news in the media. It is so refreshing to escape the coverage of corruption in the Mayor’s office, the Red Chamber (red with embarrassment these days) and the PMO’s office which should also be glowing red with embarrassment, the PM in particular.

It is so much easier to curse the darkness than to light a candle. I have done my fair share of lamenting over the sociopathic leadership in churches and government, simply because I have been affected by both. But maybe it’s time to be inspired by Mandela to be one voice, one life devoted to change and become more active.

Certainly, there is a need for change in our country. More than anything we need leadership with compassion, not cold insensitive leadership that seems to be the incarnation of the bureaucratic agencies created by government like the Employment Insurance Agency and Revenue Canada to name just two.

Where is the compassion for our soldiers who suffer from PTSD and return home after the trauma of being engaged in a war we didn’t start only to find there is limited access and few resources to help them to cope. Even the resources that could be used are not available because of beauracy.  Help is refused or not available often due to the paper qualifications demanded by National Defense or even Medavie Blue Cross who refuses to pay for mental health care for its clients  unless they see a professional with specific paper credentials, obviously a savings for them at the expense of their clients because of limited availability. A clear case of capital trumping compassion. There is no excuse for months of waiting in order to see a Mental Health Professional. People can receive, and should receive help when they need it. A Master’s or Doctorate degree is not a requirement to give Mental Health First Aid. The Mental Health Commission has trained instructors through Mental Health First Aid Canada, but where is the support of Government or other agencies to promote and pay for the training of the public?

Getting back to Employment Insurance and Revenue Canada. We have the lack of support for people who are victims of stress because of unexpected job loss. Take those in Saskatchewan in the pot ash industry for example. Think for a moment about the trauma and loss of dignity and the stress they will experience at this time of year. But we have Employment Insurance for such emergencies. Now that is one big joke! Fifty five percent of your original income, reduced further if you choose to work for a minimum wage and if you are sixty years old or over and have taken a penalty to claim a pension that you paid into over your working career, be prepared to declare that as income to further reduce your benefits. Revenue Canada is already watching to inform Employment Insurance should you not be aware that it is income you must report. Their computer screens are already fired up and itchy fingers are at the keyboard in anticipation to nail you while their eyes are closed to the criminal element that are robbing our government blind.

Talk about PTSD and the unnecessary trauma and stress imposed on people by agencies that are supposed to help relieve stress in times of crisis. Coupled with leaders that incarnate their lack of concern and compassion there is definitely a need for change. Here I am on the verge of cursing the darkness. Can one voice, one life be a catalysis for change in this country, to make a difference for our soldiers, the person struggling with mental illness, the neighbor who after working all their life time is now further traumatized by government agencies funded by their tax dollars.

Will there be more Mandela’s in this world or after his burial will we go back to wallowing in the mire of the corruption and continue to watch the faces of the corrupted flashed to us daily by the media and try to find solace in the thought, it only happens to the other person. Where is the compassionate, servant leadership needed at all levels of our society. Do you have the spirit of Mandela?  Don’t become a victim of PTSD and buy into the lie that the only way to escape the pain is death by suicide. There is hope there is help, you can make a difference. Rise up!

Until Next Time


Pastor Harold