Saturday, 9 June 2012

Light In The Darkness

Well, it has been quite some time since my last post. I have gone through a major roller coaster ride since my last entry. My daughter Ruthie made this comment after asking how I was doing. I told her God and  a Lawyer friend of the family are looking after me. She replied: "At least they are two people you can trust."

Lately I am working on upgrading my Website with the help of my son Mike. My son Steven designed a logo for PIM.
I just finished a new design for my business card for the Counselling aspect of PIM.
Currently Dena and I are in Terrace B.C. vacationing. I feel somewhat like Elijah. After spending a couple of days under the juniper tree, I have come to the mountain(s) to hear " the still small voice."  and God is speaking into my heart along the lines he spoke to Elijah.  "There is still a work to be done."

Eighteen months ago I left Moncton by train to travell to Edmonton. From there I picked up my car and drove to Calgary to pick up Dena who had come there by plane to visit with her niece and sisters.We then drove to Fort McMurray to begin an exciting new adventure in ministry. What began with a high ended on a low. Our ministry concluded at the same time we lost our colleagues in ministry, their young son and a friend who was expecting her first child. We haven't completed the grieving of this loss yet. Our extended vacation is helping us to come to terms with all the loss we experienced in April. It is so good to have friends and relatives in times like these.

We anticipate returning to Woodstock, NB our adopted town and province to restart Pastor's Inn Ministries. We started this while pastoring at Bethel Assembly in the Maritime District. We put the Retreat aspect on hold while ministering in Fort McMurray.

As we travel east, into the darkness, in pursuit of the light, we will prove these words to be a reality for us and our ministry,
 “The Lord turns my darkness into light.”2 Samuel 22:29

I am including the Vision and Mission of PIM as well. Please pray for Dena and I as we continue in ministry that the Lord's will be done.


 “The Lord turns my darkness into light.”2 Samuel 22:29        
Pastor’s INn Ministries

Promoting Spiritual and Emotional Wellness with Comfortable Retreats, Confidential Professional Counselling, Life Coaching & Competent Educational Events and Products.

Vision Statement

To facilitate transformation into spiritual and emotional wholeness, one life at a time.

Mission Statement

Partnering with the Trinity and others for excellence in transforming lives in a safe, confidential and relaxing environment, through comfortable retreats, confidential professional counselling , life coaching, and competent educational events and products.

 The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me
to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,
to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners.

Isaiah 61:1-2 NIV.

An individual is transformed into an emotionally healthy spiritual person when, through prayer, the power of the Holy Spirit is released at the intersection of brokenness and biblical meditation.” 

“It is better to meditate than to medicate.”


Pastor Harold