Friday, 20 May 2011


I am inviting you to join me on the journey of a young lady in her quest to be able to look in the mirror and not have to ask, “Who am I?”
The title of Erin Stinson’s book is, “Mirror, Mirror.” In her book the author invites us to walk alongside her and think about who we are in light of God’s word, not who the world says we are.
This journey will challenge your insecurities and your self-image or in the words of Alfred Davis, in his book, “Free to Be Me,”  the“distorted self.”
I believe as we journey together we can experience the freedom that comes from the discovery of the “true self” in Christ.
Before stepping out on this journey, according to Stinson, it is important to think about our beliefs regarding truth. The age old question of “What is Truth,” is addressed. Her periods of questioning resulted in a search and research for answers. She concludes, “I found loads of scientific evidence surrounding the Bible but I realized that I have to return to faith- not everything can be explained or even grasped. With confidence she declares the Bible to be her source of absolute truth. We need to consider it within its full context.
Some people deny that the Bible is absolute truth and perceive truth as a relative concept. But as Stinson states, “Simply denying something does not change its truth.”  She quotes C.S. Lewis, “A man can no more diminish God’s glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word, “darkness” on the walls of his cell.”
She contends that she cannot worship more than one God and cannot believe in multiple avenues of truth. I concur with her on this and with her statement, “If you profess to be a Christian then you must believe that God is truth.
 Jesus says in John 14:6, “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”  Incidentally, “I am”, is God’s name which he revealed to Moses in Exodus 3:14. Without Him there is no going, no knowing and no living. This is a good starting point for our journey.
·         We are on a journey with Erin Stinson in her book, “Mirror, Mirror”. It will challenge your insecurities and self-image.
·         We begin with the presupposition that the Bible is the source of absolute truth and God is truth. Therefore we cannot worship more than one God and we cannot believe in multiple avenues of truth.
·         As we move away from the distorted self we will experience the freedom that comes from the discovery of the “true self” in Christ.
·         This journey can bring you clarity of mind and purpose.
Until next time Blessings!
Pastor Harold
P.S. Be sure to leave a comment.

Monday, 16 May 2011


Welcome back to my Blog .
At the request of some friends I am blogging again. I will continue to address Spiritual and Emotional Wellness on this blog. We consist of body, soul and spirit.Spirituality and emotions have an impact on our physical health. The three are inter connected.

Recently I read a book entitled, "Mirror Mirror", by a local author Erin Stinson. This book is about our Christian identity and purpose in a fallen world. It is an excellent treatise on the subject. I am inspired to pass on some pertinent information on this subject from her writing. I will begin to share it with you in my next post after I get the permission from the author.

In the meantime I will give you a personal update. After seven years in Woodstock, New Brunswick, we have re located to Fort McMurray. Moving to Fort McMurray seems to be the natural thing to do for many Newfoundlanders including us. Actually we have met more people here from our years in Newfoundland than if we had moved back to the "Rock".

Both my wife and I are on staff at Family Christian Centre. Dena is an Administrative Assistant. I am the Assistant Pastor and Counsellor. This has been a good move for us as we approach the twilight years of full time pastoral ministry. We both enjoy it at FCC and living in Fort McMurray. Adapting to the climate posed the greatest challenge. The fly in the ointment of course is being so far from our family, especially our sons and their families in New Brunswick and Ruthie in Scotland. Fortunately we are able to visit them occasionally in person and more often by Skype. Modern technology and transportation has certainly made a big difference in staying in touch globally. I visited my father in Newfoundland during Easter. He is 96 years old. There was a time in his life when Airplanes and communication via computer did not exist. No doubt our world has changed and managing such change puts stress on our spiritual, emotional and physical well being. This is all the more reason to understand our Christian identity and purpose in this world, the subject we will explore on this blog in future posts.

Have a Blessed Day!
Pastor Harold

Saturday, 7 May 2011


I am returning with posts on Spiritual and Emotional Wellness.
Due to a number of changes in my life, which included relocation to Fort Mcmurray, I have not been blogging. I have recieved requests to continue with my blog.
I intend to do so on a bi weekly basis. I hope you will join me.

Have a Blessed Day!