Friday, 2 September 2011

SPIRITUAL & EMOTIONAL WELLNESS- Filtering Your Thoughts Purifies Your Self- Image.

Erin Stinson, in Mirror, Mirror, says: “Other people’s opinions and judgments of me are not what matter and certainly are not what should be shaping my self-image.”

Another powerful influence that contributes to the formation of our self- image is the propaganda in our culture that comes from such mediums as television, movies, magazines and music

Unfortunately we unconsciously buy into the lies that come from hurtful words spoken to us and the propaganda we are fed from our culture and by comparing ourselves with others. This contributes to negative thought patterns which form negative self- talk that can be very damaging to our self-image.

Self-image, according to Stinson, directly relates to our identity. I agree and therefore support the concept of “frisking our thoughts,” based on Philippians 4:8

“Whatever is true, good, pure, lovely, fix your thoughts on these things.”

Everything we read and hear and see ought to be filtered through the lens of the Holy Scriptures. This is also a basic step to discovering our “true self” as opposed to the “false self”, we normally identify with. We will follow this tread in future posts.

In concluding I want to say it was an interesting journeying with Erin in her search for “Christian identity and purpose in a fallen world.” Her book was very insightful and doctrinally sound. I learned a lot from it.

As we come to the end of our journey with her, I will leave with you the following conclusion she makes.

“I no longer have to look in the mirror, wondering who the woman staring back at me is. The apparently great mystery of life is not so difficult to uncover when I listen to God’s voice alone. I have realized anew how shallow and temporary worldly living is and will continue to challenge myself to reject it in order to live as God intended.

The more we focus on God the more we will understand ourselves. Living His way and following his commands is the only way to experience the full life that He has planned for us. Meditating on and studying His Word will help us to gain a deeper understanding of who He is. Instead of looking in the mirror and focusing on all our faults, imperfections, failures and weaknesses, it is time to wipe off all that is preventing us from being who God designed us to be.”

22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. 23 Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror 24 and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. 25 But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do. James 1:22-25. NIV.

Until Next Time- Blessings!

Pastor Harold

Friday, 12 August 2011


We continue our journey in search of  “Our Christian Identity and Purpose In a Fallen World”.  Mirror, Mirror by Erin Stinson states: “by believing what the world says about who we are we become bound by its rules. When our focus is on our image we lose sight of our identity.”
In the ancient writings, the Apostle Paul writes:
“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. ”
Jesus came to set the prisoners free. He offers freedom to live life to the fullest. One must choose between the pattern of the world and His good, pleasing and perfect will. It is very easy in our culture to be seduced so we must be diligent in resisting the pattern of this world.
Purpose is found in knowing and doing our “Calling” in life. Choice will determine the legacy we will leave behind.
In the dark night of the birth of the Society, Mother Teresa was tempted by the palaces of Loreto, the comforts and good things offered by working within the “Daughters of Ann”. Her calling was to leave the Convent and to help the poor and live among them. She set aside her Catholic habit and donned the simple sari and plain sandals of the Indian people. In 1979 the Society had provided medical services to 4 million people, treated 258,000 lepers and ran 107 slum schools. Her work expanded into many countries.
She found her identity and purpose in a fallen world. Millions are glad she did. She died in 1997 at the  age of 87, knowing the organization she had built from the ground up would continue to quench the thirst of her dear Savior.
What a legacy!
Image fades, identity leads to purpose as we find and fulfill our life’s calling.
“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:2.
Until next time,Blessings!
Pastor Harold.

Thursday, 21 July 2011


On my blog we are journeying with Erin Stinson through her book; “Mirror, Mirror.”   We are in search of Christian identity and purpose in a fallen world. I am finding the journey very interesting.
 Comparing our Western Culture with the Bible is very insightful, there are things in our culture that we take for granted, some of which have no Biblical support.
 In this posting I am going to share with you her findings from researching, “Retirement.” In our society we may consider a good education, a good job and a healthy pay cheque as being successful, especially if it leads to an early retirement with a good pension – like “Freedom Fifty Five.” Such things are good, but they do not define Biblical success nor equate with Christian identity and purpose.
The concept of retirement for example has no Biblical reference. For those of us who are so focused on reaching this goal, it may be interesting to hear Erin’s findings on this subject. In researching the history of retirement she learned pensions began as a way to compensate wounded soldiers when they couldn’t work any longer. Then companies began rewarding long time workers with pensions when they turned 65.
 For many in the Western world it has become a sign of freedom. However given the fragile economy of the United States and Canada’s close trading ties with her, we may very well see the day when pensions will once again be for wounded soldiers and eliminated by Companies and Government. This would certainly make retirement less desirable. It is difficult to grasp the concept of retirement without a pension. This cultural event of retiring with a good pension may soon be a thing of the past.
 Our purpose must be more than a career with retirement and a pension as our goals. If your purpose is defined by your career alone, then this rug of “purpose” may be pulled out from you in retirement, without even leaving you with a pension. There is no guarantee retirement and pensions will be included in our future, but as Christians, His purpose is and it doesn’t end at 65.
"Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes." James 4:14.NIV
Erin’s advice is to live in the moment, and embrace each day, let go of the fear of aging, the fear of insignificance and keep our ears and eyes open to God’s plan for our lives. Good counsel.

Until next time- Blessings!
Pastor Harold

Wednesday, 29 June 2011


Ever notice when you meet someone for the first time, the question asked after “How do you do?” is often, “What do you do?” In our culture we seem to value people by what they do. So if the answer is a label from the professional field our society is more likely to value that person more than a “blue collar” worker.
This improper mindset may begin in the home, but is reinforced in our educational system, were it is but one of many pressures placed upon young minds. Some parents and educators even take the liberty to discourage children from following their passion to pursue a career in the high paying professions.
Another area in which labeling occurs is in relation to medical diagnosis. You may hear a person say, “I am a diabetic” or “ I am depressed.”  They equate diabetes or depression with who they are. In other words they are defined by a label.
We may have been programmed to value or identify a person by the label associated with their profession, occupation or medical condition, but the truth is, the value of a person comes from being created in the image of God. Every individual is created with a potential to fulfil a purpose for which s/he was born.
It takes a lot of courage and faith to become what God intended you to be, to seek the approval of God and not the approval of man.
As we follow Erin Stinson on her journey, in her book ”Mirror ,Mirror, to find Christian identity and purpose in a fallen world, we see a demonstration of this kind of courage and faith as she steps out from the profession of a “teacher” to pursue her individual passion and dream. Her book shows she did not act on a reckless impulse but on a well thought out decision based on sound theological reasoning and common sense.
She makes the point that “a good education, a good job and a healthy pay cheque do not equate with peace and joy."  She is also of the conviction, “our importance in life is not based on what we do."
I like the following example she uses to support her belief:
“If an athlete is in an accident that prevents them from competing have they lost their purpose? What if a concert pianist loses the ability to play? Are they now worthless? When someone is fired from a job are they now without purpose?"
Clearly our value, worth, purpose and importance in life is based on more than what we do, so  therefore we should not be defined nor  should we define others by their line of work or label.
Jesus was a carpenter, Matthew a tax collector, James, Peter, John and Andrew were fishermen. I might add, Paul was a scholar. They were all used of God because they were willing, not because of their label. They all left their careers to follow God’s purpose. 
Are you label conscious or purpose driven?

Until Next Time-Blessings!
Pastor Harold

Wednesday, 8 June 2011


Are you stuck on the “Hamster Wheel” going nowhere fast and desperately wanting off. Well, as you continue with me on this journey this can change.
Stinson describes it as being trapped and feeling desperate. The anxiety rendered her ineffective in her Christian walk which forced her to ask soul searching questions such as: “Who am I trying to please? Who am I living for? What is my purpose? Am I living the life I am meant to live?
We have all asked the same questions at one time or another. As she began to think outside the box (or cage) she came to the realization she was placing a burden on herself to live up to other people’s expectations to gain their approval.
One of the driving forces to burn out, often including anxiety and depression, is the need to be a people pleaser and seeking that “pat on the back”. The satisfaction from this lasts only as long as the pat on the back.
Stinson made a very important observation during her self- reflection. She writes: “I began to realize that I needed to stop living for the words of praise from the world and pause to hear words of encouragement from my heavenly Father.”
The life of Jesus gives validity to her discovery. You will notice there were many pauses in his busy life and ministry. Why? He needed the approval of his heavenly father.
The Father publicly affirmed him at the beginning of his ministry, “this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.” What a difference this would make in the lives of our children if we as parents, especially fathers, would verbally give affirmation to our children. What a difference it would have made in your life if you had received the affirmation of your earthly father. Maybe you are one of the few who have but even if you were denied affirmation by your earthly father there is no need to seek it from others, rather seek it from your heavenly father.
Jesus said: “How can you believe if you accept praise from one another, yet make no effort to obtain the praise that comes from the only God.” John 5: 44.
Take heed to Paul’s words in Galatians 1:10.
“Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ.”
First, and foremost we must remind ourselves we are not meant to be men pleasers, we are called to be God pleasers and His approval must be our priority if we are going to survive the Hamster Wheel and live in the freedom of the life Christ offers us. It can be the difference between being a "human being" or a "human doer." One causes us to be driven the other allows us to live in the moment as human beings pleasing God our Father.
Get off the Hamster Wheel and be free from the lies about who you are and what you are supposed to do. Seek the Father’s affirmation and experience a life without limits in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Until next time,
Pastor Harold

Friday, 20 May 2011


I am inviting you to join me on the journey of a young lady in her quest to be able to look in the mirror and not have to ask, “Who am I?”
The title of Erin Stinson’s book is, “Mirror, Mirror.” In her book the author invites us to walk alongside her and think about who we are in light of God’s word, not who the world says we are.
This journey will challenge your insecurities and your self-image or in the words of Alfred Davis, in his book, “Free to Be Me,”  the“distorted self.”
I believe as we journey together we can experience the freedom that comes from the discovery of the “true self” in Christ.
Before stepping out on this journey, according to Stinson, it is important to think about our beliefs regarding truth. The age old question of “What is Truth,” is addressed. Her periods of questioning resulted in a search and research for answers. She concludes, “I found loads of scientific evidence surrounding the Bible but I realized that I have to return to faith- not everything can be explained or even grasped. With confidence she declares the Bible to be her source of absolute truth. We need to consider it within its full context.
Some people deny that the Bible is absolute truth and perceive truth as a relative concept. But as Stinson states, “Simply denying something does not change its truth.”  She quotes C.S. Lewis, “A man can no more diminish God’s glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word, “darkness” on the walls of his cell.”
She contends that she cannot worship more than one God and cannot believe in multiple avenues of truth. I concur with her on this and with her statement, “If you profess to be a Christian then you must believe that God is truth.
 Jesus says in John 14:6, “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”  Incidentally, “I am”, is God’s name which he revealed to Moses in Exodus 3:14. Without Him there is no going, no knowing and no living. This is a good starting point for our journey.
·         We are on a journey with Erin Stinson in her book, “Mirror, Mirror”. It will challenge your insecurities and self-image.
·         We begin with the presupposition that the Bible is the source of absolute truth and God is truth. Therefore we cannot worship more than one God and we cannot believe in multiple avenues of truth.
·         As we move away from the distorted self we will experience the freedom that comes from the discovery of the “true self” in Christ.
·         This journey can bring you clarity of mind and purpose.
Until next time Blessings!
Pastor Harold
P.S. Be sure to leave a comment.

Monday, 16 May 2011


Welcome back to my Blog .
At the request of some friends I am blogging again. I will continue to address Spiritual and Emotional Wellness on this blog. We consist of body, soul and spirit.Spirituality and emotions have an impact on our physical health. The three are inter connected.

Recently I read a book entitled, "Mirror Mirror", by a local author Erin Stinson. This book is about our Christian identity and purpose in a fallen world. It is an excellent treatise on the subject. I am inspired to pass on some pertinent information on this subject from her writing. I will begin to share it with you in my next post after I get the permission from the author.

In the meantime I will give you a personal update. After seven years in Woodstock, New Brunswick, we have re located to Fort McMurray. Moving to Fort McMurray seems to be the natural thing to do for many Newfoundlanders including us. Actually we have met more people here from our years in Newfoundland than if we had moved back to the "Rock".

Both my wife and I are on staff at Family Christian Centre. Dena is an Administrative Assistant. I am the Assistant Pastor and Counsellor. This has been a good move for us as we approach the twilight years of full time pastoral ministry. We both enjoy it at FCC and living in Fort McMurray. Adapting to the climate posed the greatest challenge. The fly in the ointment of course is being so far from our family, especially our sons and their families in New Brunswick and Ruthie in Scotland. Fortunately we are able to visit them occasionally in person and more often by Skype. Modern technology and transportation has certainly made a big difference in staying in touch globally. I visited my father in Newfoundland during Easter. He is 96 years old. There was a time in his life when Airplanes and communication via computer did not exist. No doubt our world has changed and managing such change puts stress on our spiritual, emotional and physical well being. This is all the more reason to understand our Christian identity and purpose in this world, the subject we will explore on this blog in future posts.

Have a Blessed Day!
Pastor Harold

Saturday, 7 May 2011


I am returning with posts on Spiritual and Emotional Wellness.
Due to a number of changes in my life, which included relocation to Fort Mcmurray, I have not been blogging. I have recieved requests to continue with my blog.
I intend to do so on a bi weekly basis. I hope you will join me.

Have a Blessed Day!